Individuals have been enjoying a nine-hole disc golf course at Bishop Park for a while, but beginning Saturday, people can play 18 holes at the course.
From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., individuals can participate in “The First Throw” event at the new Traxx disc golf course. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided.
Bryant Parks Department officials decided to expand the disc golf course after noticing that there was “an opportunity to really do something unique,” said Chet Dycus, athletics and program director for the Bryant Parks Department.
According to the Professional Disc Golf Association, disc golf is played similarly to traditional golf, but instead of a ball and clubs, players use flying discs or Frisbees. The hole is an elevated metal basket.
The Bryant course was expanded from 2,300 feet to approximately 8,000 square feet and uses much of the area at the back of the property at Bishop Park.
The course name comes from the fact that most of the course follows the train tracks at the back of the park, Dycus said.
See Thursday's issue of The Saline Courier for the full story.