The Gray team would top Maroon 35-21 in the annual Maroon-Gray Classic on Friday at Panthers Stadium, but the Panthers received some bad news. Benton learned junior quarterback/athlete Peyton Hudgins broke his collar bone and is likely to be out four to six weeks.
“It’s broken,” Benton Coach Brad Harris said. “It broke right at the tip of the collarbone right where the rod is (when he broke it) last year. It’s a smooth break so they’re not going to have to do surgery. Didn’t misplace it or anything. It cracked all the way through.
“Doctor thinks four to six weeks, something like that. The good thing about it is we’re preseason right now. We have another week of preseason and then we have a bye week in the season. Even at six weeks, it puts him back at midseason.”
Read full story in Sunday's The Saline Courier.
Tony Lenahan
Saturday, August 11, 2018